Reinforced Patch Handle Printed Carrier Bags

White or coloured Bio-degradable polythene with a glued reinforced patch around the handle for extra strength whilst carrying. UK Manufactured printed carrier bags from MIDPAC Packaging. Minimum quantity on reinforced patch handle bags in 3000 (subject to design). Ideal printed carrier bags for retail shops, exhibitions, sports clubs and tourist attractions. All of our carrier bags are made from Bio-degradeable polythene which is recylclable. For further information or samples of our printed bags, please contact the print team on Coventry 02476 473647 or email
25x40cm White Patch Handle Printed Carrier Bags
Medium Patch Handle Printed Carrier Bags Bag size 25x40+7.5cm (10x16+3") White LDPE polyth..
37.5x45cm White Patch Handle Printed Carrier Bags
Medium Patch Handle Printed Carrier Bags Bag size 35.7x45+7.5cm (15x18+3") White LDPE poly..
45x45cm White Patch Handle Printed Carrier Bags
Large Patch Handle Printed Carrier Bags Bag size 45x45+7.5cm (18x18+3") White LDPE polythe..
Process Printed Carrier Bags
Process Printed Carrier BagsWhite Bio-degradable LDPE polythene film printed with a 4 colour (CMYK) ..